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Pasadena Educational Foundation Receives Grant From Mark Taper Forum

Published on Friday, January 27, 2023 | 5:37 am

The Pasadena Educational Foundation (PEF) has received a $75,000 grant from the S. Mark Taper Foundation in support of Families in Transition, Pasadena Unified School District’s program that provides critical services for the most vulnerable students and families in the school district.

“We are thankful to the S. Mark Taper Foundation for their generous grant to PEF,” said Patrick Conyers, PEF Executive Director.

“With the rising cost of housing in our community, more and more of the district’s families are at risk of becoming homeless. Families in Transition provides support for families and students who are experiencing extraordinary challenges with compassion and accountability.”

Families in Transition helps students and families address the socioeconomic barriers to academic success like housing instability, food insecurity, lack of access to health and mental health services, recent immigration, and other challenges.

More than 600 students in PUSD – over 4% of the total student population – are experiencing homelessness as defined by the McKinney Vento Act, meaning they lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Many more are at risk of homelessness because of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasingly high cost of housing in the Pasadena area.

Families in Transition creates stability for students whose families are facing these extraordinary challenges. Students receive free school supplies and other necessities so they can fully participate in learning and school events. With the support from FIT staff, students receive the supports they need to attend school regularly and succeed academically.

“The grant from the S. Mark Taper Foundation will go a long way in supporting our most vulnerable students and families,” said PUSD Superintendent Dr. Brian McDonald. “I am grateful for their partnership in our commitment to improving access to and equity in the delivery of services and participation in programs that improve outcomes for students and families.”

Families in Transition provides a range of services for PUSD students and their families who are most highly impacted by the social conditions associated with poverty: food insecurity, housing instability, lack of access to quality medical and mental health care, stress on family life, and increased exposure to environmental hazards, crime, and violence. All of these factors have been shown through research to be barriers to children’s academic achievement and personal development.

The S. Mark Taper Foundation awards annual grants through a competitive application and review process.

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